Immunity, Energy and Synergy

How to choose the right

dietary supplement for you!


  • Zinc deficiency was only discovered in the 1960’s. Since this discovery it has become well established that zinc plays an important role in normal function of the immune system.
  • Zinc is an essential mineral for basic cell activities with numerous complex jobs in the body and interactions with thousands of proteins. It is estimated that only 10% of the zinc within our bodies is able to be utilised in the fighting of infections.
  • Zinc is involved in normal development and function of cells facilitating innate immunity. Zinc deficiency adversely affects the growth and function of T and B cells, which are involved in the body’s immune response.
  • In recent times Zinc deficiency has become more prevalent worldwide affecting a wide range of age groups.
  • Zinc deficiency can be classified by severity and is divided into severe or marginal.
  • Severe zinc deficiency is often observed because of malfunction of zinc uptake in the small intestine. Zinc is absorbed in the small intestine – for this to happen the zinc first needs to become dissociated into zinc ions, which then bind to ligands (proteins) that transport the zinc into the cells of the small intestine ready for absorption. 
  • Normally, severe zinc deficiency would not be expected unless there was an underlying cause such as a genetic disorder, zinc malabsorption or conditions of increased zinc loss.
  • Severe Zinc deficiency depresses both innate and adaptive immune responses
  • Even the more common mild zinc deficiency has a negative impact causing low energy levels and weakened immune system. As well as supporting the immune system zinc also regulates enzymes and hormones.
  • Fixing zinc deficiency can have positive effects on your energy levels and boost your mood.
  • As the body doesn’t naturally produce or store zinc, it is considered an essential nutrient and you must obtain it through food or supplements.
  • Phytates, which are present in whole-grain breads, cereals, legumes, and other foods, bind Zn and inhibit its absorption making the bioavailability of zinc from grains and plant foods lower than that from animal foods. The richest food source of zinc is oysters.
Getting the Balance of Copper & Zinc!


  • Copper is an essential nutrient for the body. Together with iron, it enables the body to form red blood cells. It helps maintain healthy bones, blood vessels, nerves, and immune function.
  • The white blood cells of the human immune system surround invading bacteria upon activation before boosting their levels of copper ions in order to break down the threatening intruders.
  • This is the reason that insufficient copper levels weaken the human immune system as well as increase susceptibility to sickness and infection.

Copper & Zinc

  • Zinc & Copper are essential for optimal innate immune function, and nutritional deficiency in either leads to decreased immune function overall.
  • Zinc and copper are essential trace elements involved in adolescent growth and development. Both copper and zinc have diverse physiological roles and the interaction between them is considered to be mutually antagonistic.
  • This means that taking large quantities of zinc can interfere with copper bioavailability. High intake of zinc induces the intestinal synthesis of a copper-binding protein called metallothionein. Metallothionein traps copper within intestinal cells and prevents its absorption.
  • Elevated copper and depressed zinc is one of the most common trace metal imbalances.
  • The normal copper/zinc ratio is thought to be 1:1. The ratio of copper to zinc, rather than the absolute amount of copper or zinc in the body alone, is most important to help the body’s enzymes to function properly.

Vitamin B12

  • Every cell in the body requires vitamin B12 for energy metabolism but as the body can’t create vitamin B12 on its own we can only get it through diet or supplementation.
  • B12 is involved in producing red blood cells, maintaining a healthy nervous system, and converting food to energy. It also helps to regulate the immune system and mood, and control levels of the amino acid homocysteine. It’s one of eight B vitamins that help the body convert the food you eat into glucose, which gives you energy.
  • Weakness and fatigue are common symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency. They occur because your body doesn’t have enough vitamin B12 to make red blood cells, which transport oxygen throughout your body. As a result, you are unable to efficiently transport oxygen to your body’s cells, making you feel tired and weak.



  • Vitamin & mineral supplementation should be taken by anyone that is experiencing symptoms of deficiency in essential vitamins and minerals such as Zinc, Copper & Vitamin B12.
  • While the recommended daily intake is 10mg of zinc, 1mg of Copper & 2.4ug of Vitamin b12 there may be people that require much more than this due to the formula used to work out average needs of the population.
  • Although the risks of over intake are generally low, supplementation in high dosages can see negative side effects. For example, over supplementation of zinc can present symptoms such as those similar to zinc deficiency.
  • Oyster Extract Powder contains essential vitamins & minerals. This can be consumed as a powder or as a dietary supplement.
  • Synergy is the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.
  • Oyster extract powder contains 1 ingredient – oysters. All vitamins and minerals found within are naturally occurring found within the oyster helping your body utilise the effects as nature intended.
  • Because the nutrient profile is not manipulated in any way all the trace minerals & vitamins are present in appropriate ratios to supplement your diet.
  • Our oysters are harvested from pristine Atlantic waters and undergo testing prior to production to ensure they are of high quality.

Activators and Inhibitors

  • Molecules that increase the activity of an enzyme are called activators, while molecules that decrease the activity of an enzyme are called inhibitors. There are many kinds of molecules that block or promote enzyme function, and that affect enzyme function by different routes.
  • Because enzymes guide and regulate the metabolism of a cell, they tend to be carefully controlled.
  • Example include:
  • Regulatory molecules. Enzyme activity may be turned “up” or “down” by activator and inhibitor molecules that bind specifically to the enzyme.
  • Cofactors. Many enzymes are only active when bound to non-protein helper molecules known as cofactors.
  • Compartmentalization. Storing enzymes in specific compartments can keep them from doing damage or provide the right conditions for activity.
  • Feedback inhibition. Key metabolic enzymes are often inhibited by the end product of the pathway they control (feedback inhibition).
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