When we started our company 20 years ago one of the quotes that stuck with me most was from Dr. Linus Pauling who said, “All illnesses of a living system can be related to the deficiency of certain micro nutrients”.

Minerals are necessary for every biochemical process and activity of the body.
“You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.” – Dr. Linus Pauling

These deficiencies in minerals and micro nutrients prevent the correct functioning of enzymes and hormones responsible for peak physiological performance.

With that in mind we started the development of our core product OysterMax®, a supplement containing a very powerful trace mineral complex derived from our oyster extract powder, which has been used by health professionals and to play a role in correcting these trace element imbalances that Linus Pauling knew well were so deleterious to our health.

As time goes by we are seeing that small doses of well-balanced minerals are much more effective for maintaining good health than the large doses of single elements that you see all over the internet and the shelves of health stores. These large doses interfere with the bodies complex synergy and can actually cause even more nutrient imbalances by inhibiting uptake of other minerals.

Pure oyster extract powder.

Therapists that have been using our product for years speak of the synergy between the elements, the co-factors, the bioavailability due to the animal marine origin and the peptide complex in which they are found. Few products offer the trace elements the body needs, such as zinc, copper, iodine, selenium and vitamin B12 in a balanced format like our oyster extract. Even other brands of oyster extract powder don’t offer it because they harvest the oysters when trace element concentrations are low and then use bulking agents like maltodextrin to compromise quality for price.

Kelp forests — luxuriant coastal ecosystems that are home to a wide variety of marine biodiversity.

Unlike the big brands of single dose or chelated minerals which are mined and produced in large factories, our laboratory is the Ocean. The oyster is our physician.


We merely work with nature, selecting the best raw material from the cleanest waters and process with respect for the bioactivity of the nutrients. This is how we deliver to our customers the best quality multi mineral complex on the market.

The real beauty of our oyster extract is the high level of zinc which the oyster gives us.

OysterMax oyster extract powder capules
Pure oyster extract powder.



Ten times more than the next source. But try balancing that level of zinc synergistically with the trace elements the body needs, and you really would need a factory full of scientists…. or an oyster.

Zinc is a vital component of more than 300 proteins, including DNA-binding proteins with zinc fingers, Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD), and many proteins involved in DNA repair, such as p53.


Scientists at Linus Pauling Institute have found that low zinc intake could also have a very significant impact on a person’s susceptibility to DNA damage and risk of developing cancer due to zinc’s function as an antioxidant and its function in DNA damage repair.

Ironically Linus Pauling died of prostate cancer, albeit at the age of 93. Prostate cancer is one of the main causes of cancer-related deaths in men. The prostate contains the highest amount of zinc in the body, and poor zinc intake may increase the risk for prostate cancer.

So, as we approach the 24th anniversary of the death of Linus Pauling we hope this short article and our work will honour the man’s legacy by helping you understand the importance of balanced nutrition and how the right mix of trace elements can help you achieve the peak performance and synergy he spent his whole life pursuing and explaining. Not a substitute for a varied diet.


Think before you zinc!

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